LETA Agenda

LETA Agenda | March 30th 2021

  • Chair: John Patrinos
  • Attendance: Liz Cwilewicz, Nick Woodall, John Patrinos (Chair), Victoria Hodges, Keith Vingoe, Rob Newman, Kevin Harris, Dan James, Ashley Clarke, Suzette Hibbert, Chris Sleep, Jason Broughton (for item 7)
  • Apologies: Adrian Hobbs, Jess Twydall, Sally Cleary.
  • Meeting: via Zoom

1. Actions from Meeting of 9th February (see below).

All done. Workhub to be publicised on VLL once drawings/artists impressions are prepared.

2. Drive-In Cinema Lynton (Kevin).

The operator’s proposal to LLTC was far too costly and involved to many volunteers so was turned down. So the drive-in will not proceed.

3. Workhub update (Chris).

Are currently finding architects/designers. One price received, another due today. Selection will take place almost immediately. All is going according to plan.

4. Exmoor Coaster bus service (Dan).

Will be run by First Bus as a commercial operation without any public subsidy. Is one of a series of routes across the southwest.

Start date and timetable not yet publicised but it will consist of two open topped vehicles with six trips a day in each direction.

5. Parracombe quarry proposal (John).

A proposal for 20 converted containers at a site currently leased by the proposer. Will require planning permission which isn’t straightforward. Progress will be watched with interest.

6. Covid.

a) Esplanade barriers will be in Lynmouth tomorrow. Sleeves with local photos being produced to make them attractive.

Action: LETA to request the final piece of funding of around £100 from LLTC.

Action: Dan to email some possible photos to Kevin and Jason.

b) ENPA is gearing up for lots of visitors, with many first-timers. Two publications are being prepared. Are advertising for an additional ranger. Also, are compiling opening dates of various Exmoor attractions for circulation.

c) Cliff Railway will open on 12th April. LBR will open on 13th.

7. AOB

a) “Places to eat in Lynton & Lynmouth” is going to print in May.

b) Liz has done two maps; one of the walking routes in L&L, the other more general. Will be available free in small numbers, large numbers will need to pay for. Will be on sale at Lynton PO/TIC.

All LETA meetings to be at 4pm. Next meeting is on 11th May 2021.