LETA Agenda

LETA Agenda | October 13th 2020

  • Chair: John Patrinos
  • Attendance: Suzette Hibbert, Ashley Clarke, Dan James, John Patrinos.
  • Apologies: Jason Broughton, Kevin Harris, Adrian Hobbs.
  • No Response: Sally Cleary, Victoria Hodges, Keith Vingoe, Tony Meakin, Jo Fuller, Liz Cwilewicz
  • Meeting: via Zoom

1) Actions for 11 August:
    – VLL update. None as Victoria not present.
    – no suggestions received for £750 from Exmoor Tourism Recovery.
Action: ask Jason for suggestions.

2) impact of Covid-19 on business.
Busy at the moment. More visitors from the local area than usual.
Advance booking beyond October are very disappointing.

3) Ultrafast Broadband project.
Openreach needed £540k pledged to connect every property on the Lynton exchange. Only £18k remains to be pledged. Openreach is working closely with the Cliff Railway.

4) Lynton Work Hub. Plans to developers a hub were advancing well.

5) Christmas 2020. Cliff Railway will be open until 3 January except for Christmas Day. Might also close on Friday’s and Monday’s as they are the slowest days, but will flexibly respond to demand and weather conditions. If Christmas opening works it could be repeated in future years, but will depend largely on the willingness of traders to cooperate. Will reopen on 13 February. Targeted social media marketing is needed to promote L&L over this period.

6) AOB.     

– Dark Skies Festival start on Friday 16th October. 
– Exmoor Day is on Monday 19th October, including a virtual opening of Woodside Bridge.     – another TV crew will film the Cliff Railway this week, making 4 this year. All to be aired in early 2021.