LETA Agenda

LETA Agenda | December 2019

  • Chair: John Patrinos
  • Attendance: Dan James, Tony Meakin, Suzette Hibbert, Ashley Clarke, Victoria Hodges, Jason Broughton
  • Apologies: Jo Fuller, Kevin Harris, Sally Cleary, Adrian Hobbs, Rob Newman, Keith Vingoe. (It was noted with regret that John Tuck really meant his resignation, he will be missed).

1. Minutes of 8 October.

Agreed as correct.

2. Matters arising from minutes of 8 October

Action: circulate format of business breakfasts (Kevin).

3. Review of Coastal Community Economic Plan.

It was agreed to set up a sub-group to review and update the plan. The result would be consulted on at a business breakfast in about February.

Group to consist of John Patrinos, Victoria Hodges, Jason Broughton, Kevin Harris.

Action: JP to arrange a meeting in January.

Action: If not signed up to Coastal Communities Alliance newsletter do so here https://www.coastalcommunities.co.uk/arts-opera/ccn/sign-up/ (All).

4. TIC.

Update will be to next meeting.

Action: New “i” sign to be delivered to Post Office (Dan).

5. visitlyntonandlynmouth.com

a) Networking event was a success with 39 local businesses attending and 9 being signed up. Resulted in a Swat analysis (picture attached) that will be used to help update to Coastal Community Economic Plan.

b) Website now has a reach of 24,000 with very high growth.

c) Much networking with other neighbouring tourism organisations. The next event will tie in with the Visit Exmoor event. Both that and NDMB AGM on 27 January will have L&L stands.

d) Lynton late night shopping was a great success with lots of positive feedback despite the weather. If in future years Lynton & Lynmouth used the same night it might be possible to have the Cliff Railway open. Possibility of some free parking to be explored.

Action: JP to find the financial cost of free car parking from 4pm or 5pm on the night.

6. Lyn climate crisis.

A recent meeting had generated a great deal of enthusiasm from a large group of volunteers. A plan was to be drawn up that might open opportunities for local businesses, for example by developing the green tourism offer. John to keep LETA informed.

7. Sponsorship of LLTC car park tickets.

Deferred until details available from Kevin.

8. Woodside Bridge.

Planning permission granted. Might be in place before Easter depending on the contractors. A celebrity opening will be publicised.

9. AOB

a) LETA to meet in Lynmouth as well as Lynton (February 2020 meeting will be at the Pavilion).

b) Lower Lyndale phone mast is at last being installed and activated.

c) A collection of photographs owned by the Nightingales had gone to auction and was bought by the Memorial Hall where they will be displayed. 

d) An emergency plan meeting yesterday was productive. Plan is being developed.

e) Leaflets. £850 had been raised towards printing and distribution of 50,000 leaflets. More would be raised through crowdfunding. LLTC will be approached for a contribution.

Action: Invite some potential new LETA members (Victoria).

Action: Add a presentation by Victoria & Jason to LLTC Policy & Finance Committee meeting on 15 January. Also an item on an LLTC contribution to the cost of the leaflets.