Business Support

Achieving Critical Mass in Tourism

What is Critical Mass?

Critical mass is a term used in marketing to describe the point at which a product or service has enough popularity to be viable. It can also refer to the point where a group of people reaches critical mass, and therefore becomes influential enough to affect change on its own.

In order for Lynton & Lynmouth’s tourism industry to continue growing, it needs a critical mass of visitors who are willing and able to spend money there.

This means that businesses need access not only through traditional channels like word-of-mouth recommendations but also through modern channels such as social media platforms like Facebook and Twitter as well as online review sites such as Google and TripAdvisor.

The benefits of achieving critical mass are clear: increased economic activity; improved infrastructure; brand recognition; increased visitor numbers…the list goes on!

The potential issues facing Lynton & Lynmouth if it doesn’t achieve Critical Mass

If Lynton & Lynmouth fails to achieve Critical Mass in the tourism industry, the towns could face a number of challenges that could negatively impact the local economy and community. Without a sustainable number of visitors, businesses may struggle to remain profitable, resulting in job losses and a drop in the quality of goods and services offered. This could, in turn, lead to a decline in the quality of life for local residents, as well as decreased investment in the towns’ infrastructure and amenities. Additionally, without a critical mass of visitors, Lynton & Lynmouth may struggle to create a strong brand identity and be overshadowed by other, more popular tourist destinations. Ultimately, the long-term viability of the towns as a tourist destination could be in jeopardy, with a negative impact on the local economy and quality of life

Strategies to Reach Critical Mass for Tourism in Lynton & Lynmouth

To reach critical mass for tourism in Lynton & Lynmouth, the following purchasable strategies have proved invaluable to other companies and destinations, but at a high cost:

Influencer Marketing. Influencers are people who have large followings on social media and influence others’ purchasing decisions. They can be used to promote a destination by posting photos and videos of their experience at the destination on their personal accounts.

Targeted Advertising. This includes advertising on websites, blogs and other online channels frequented by tourists who may be interested in visiting Lynton & Lynmouth. It also includes search engine marketing (SEM) campaigns that target specific keywords related to travel destinations like “best beaches” or “luxury hotels.”

Social Media CampaignsPromotional EventsPublic Relations Efforts

FREE and simple ways businesses in Lynton & Lynmouth can help the two towns work towards achieving Critical Mass in our tourism industry

Local businesses have the power and opportunity to usher in a new era of prosperity in the tourism industry. By adopting FREE and simple strategies, these businesses can contribute to achieving Critical Mass—that tipping point where the influx of tourists becomes self-sustaining and exponentially beneficial to the local economy.

The following guide will help provide practical and cost-effective approaches that businesses can easily implement, fostering the growth of tourism in Lynton & Lynmouth, while preserving the charm and heritage that make these towns truly special.

  1. Social Media Engagement: Businesses can create and maintain active social media profiles on platforms such as Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter. Sharing captivating images, stories, and updates about the towns and their businesses can help spread awareness and attract more tourists.

  2. Collaborate with Other Local Businesses: Partner with other local businesses to create joint promotions, special offers, or events that will appeal to tourists. This can help increase the overall attractiveness of Lynton & Lynmouth as a tourist destination.

  3. Encourage Online Reviews: Ask satisfied customers to leave positive reviews on sites like TripAdvisor, Google, and Facebook. Good reviews can help attract more visitors and contribute to achieving critical mass.

  4. Create a Hashtag: Develop a unique hashtag for their businesses and for Lynton & Lynmouth, and encourage businesses and visitors to use it when posting on social media. This can help create a buzz around the towns and make it easier for potential visitors to find information about the area.

  5. Host Free Events: Organise free events such as workshops, guided tours, or performances that showcase the best of Lynton & Lynmouth businesses. These events can help draw in tourists and provide a positive experience that encourages them to spread the word about the towns.

  6. Engage with Local Influencers: Identify and connect with local influencers who have a strong following on social media. Encourage them to share their experiences in Lynton & Lynmouth with their audience, helping to boost the towns’ online presence and reach potential visitors.

  7. Offer Exceptional Customer Service: Providing excellent customer service is a simple yet powerful way to leave a lasting impression on visitors. Happy customers will be more likely to recommend Lynton & Lynmouth to others, contributing to the growth of the tourism industry.

  8. Contribute to Community Projects: Participate in and support community projects that aim to improve the town’s infrastructure, appearance, or amenities. A more appealing and well-maintained environment can help attract more tourists.

  9. Network with Local Tourism Organisations: Engage with local tourism organizations, such as the Chamber of Commerce, to stay informed about tourism-related initiatives and opportunities. Working together can help create a unified approach to achieving critical mass in the industry.

  10. Share Local Stories and History: Educate visitors about the rich history and unique stories of Lynton & Lynmouth through storytelling, signage, or informational materials. This can help create a deeper connection between tourists and the towns, encouraging them to share their experiences with others.