LETA Agenda

LETA Agenda | June 9th 2020

  • Chair: John Patrinos
  • Attendance: Adrian Hobbs, Keith Vingoe, Suzette Hibbert, John Patrinos, Victoria Hodges, Kevin Harris, Ashley Clarke, Jason Broughton, Sally Cleary.
  • Apologies: Jo Fuller, Tony Meakin, Rob Newman, Dan James.
  • Meeting: via Zoom

1. Actions from meeting of 6th May.

a) John awaiting imminent arrival list of businesses that haven’t yet asked for free business grants.

b) our MP had emailed (previously circulated) refusing our invitation, saying she was focusing her attention on other forums. She will have another online business forum at 2pm on 29th June. To participate email selaine.saxby.mp@parliament.uk

c) Jason & Victoria had attended two ENPA recovery planning conferences but detailed advice was awaited from central government.

2. Coordinating social distancing in our towns


a) everything to be forwarded to and coordinated by Kevin who will liaise with NDC and DCC.

b) a draft queueing system for Lynmouth Esplanade had been created by Ashley, Kevin and David Wilde. To cover Cliff Railway, Lynmouth Pavilion, and the Esplanade Chip shop.

b) Adrian and Sally to consult all Lynmouth businesses about Lynmouth Street and Riverside Road, including May Bridge being one way.

c) Victoria to to get coordinators to contact all Lynton traders and draft a scheme for Lynton.

d) Ashley to see if furloughed Cliff Railway staff would volunteer as street ambassadors, which seems very likely.

e) Victoria to create graphics from plans supplied by others.

f) all this to de done ASAP as shops will be opening in 6 days and APs in 25.

3. Lynmouth Business Association update

Have done a leaflet.


a) Sally to forward jpeg and pdf versions of leaflets to Victoria.

b) Adrian to canvas all traders to see if interest in pop-up market stalls on the Manor Green, Town Hall Car Park, and/or Holman Park (Ashley offered the Cliff Railways market stalls if they weren’t being used).

4. VL&L Update – recent and future activity

Leaflet distribution was stopped by lockdown.

Am collating details of any post-opening special offers, although avoiding price cuts.

Walks redone.


a) “walkers are welcome” website to be integrated into the main visitlyntonandlynmouth site.

5. Cliff railway – can we do anything to help it reopen

The key determinant is social distancing. If it remains at 2m it’s uneconomical to open.

Likely be open long into the winter depending on the temperature and there being sufficient trade.


a) all of us to attempt to coordinate the opening retailers and APs so that visitors have a reason to come, and a reason to use the railway when they are here.

b) Victoria to email APs to try to find the expected occupancy rate of each and the level of bookings.

6. District Council – what more might it do to help our economy?

a) improve the marketing of ND as NDMB is very poor.

b) a social media campaign to attract visitors after lockdown ligpfts.

7. AOB

a) car park machines in Upper and Lower Lyndale car parks to receive software update to allow access to the new mobile signal in Lynmouth.

b) good TV PR in the new ‘Devon and Cornwall’ programme. Cliff Railway will feature on 29 June.

c) ENPA & Visit Exmoor are working on itineraries for visitors targeted at three specific sectors.

8. Date and time of next meeting

Tuesday 23 June at 6pm on Zoom.