LETA Agenda

LETA Agenda | December 2018

  • Chair: John Patrinos
  • Attendance: Tony Meakin, John Tuck, Sue Bingham, Jason Broughton, Kevin Harris, Vicki Hodges, Ashley Clarke, Suzette Hibbert, Keith Vingoe, Dan James
  • Apologies: None

Minutes of previous meeting (see below). Agreed.

Brief reports on actions from last meeting.
a) transfer of property in event of demise of TIC – to be finalised by SUE KEVIN.

b) Lyn in Bloom doesn’t enter any competitions. SUZETTE to meet JASON.

NDMB update (Nick White).
Presentation updating the meeting on NDMBʼs future intentions (see attached).
a) SUE/VICKI to be the contact point for Nick.
b) Photos/links, but no videos, can be added to NDMBʼs L&L page without charge – JASON. c) NICK to check whether L&L events can be added to NDMBʼs event page without charge. d) SUE/VICKI to draft some itineraries for the group to consider.

TIC update (Sue).
a) 8 new members since the last meeting.
b) LBR agreed to join immediately- KEITH/SUE.
c) a series of seasonal pages for the website has been started with a Christmas page. d) English Nation Park Experience event attended.
e) TIC members Facebook page created.
f) sign at bottom of cliff railway to be provided for – ASHLEY.
g) similar poster to be provided for at Woody Bay Station by LBR – KEITH.
h) KEITH to add a TIC link to LBR website.

BID (John P).
a) funds for a consultant have been agreed with £3.5k promised by NDC and £3.5k by LLTC.
b) business survey to be launched in January. JASON to prompt LETA members for feedback on the narrative and questions.

Review of LETA effectiveness

Including membership, and areas for change (Kevin). a) ideal membership agreed to be roughly …

  • 2 accommodation providers,
  • 2 cafes/restaurants,
  • 2 destinations,
  • TIC, Lyn Community Development Trust, Councillors and ENPA. Representation to include both Lynton and Lynmouth.

Julie Smythe, Adrian Hobbs and Anna Wellings to be invited to become members. JOHN P to copy these minutes with an invitation (once he has their email addresses).

Potential for a park and ride service (John P).
On agenda because of local concern at the lack of parking, especially in the visitor season.
Previous research had shown a number of times that, assuming there was appropriate land available, it would cost in the order of £500 a day. This had caused park and ride to only be used on the occasion of special events.
A site at Caffyns had stopped being used by LBR because of access difficulties onto the A39.
A site at Blackmore Gate had resulted in an incident.
However, the meeting agreed that they would support any commercially operated park and ride operation.

However, the meeting agreed that they would support any commercially operated park and ride operation. 
JOHN P to communicate this.

Feedback from Exmoor Tourism Network meeting (Sue/Vicki).
An excellent networking opportunity.

a) Woodside Bridge. National Trust is working with the LCDT to provide chargeable walk. So far £27,000 had been raised in total which is very encouraging.
b) congratulations to Highcliffe House for its Gold Medal and the Cliff Railway for its Bronze at the Devon Tourism Awards.
c) ASHLEY VICKI to meet to create maps.
d) Dark Skies Festival would be run in 2019 with opportunities for businesses and communities to piggyback events.
e) KEVIN to email LLTC events to Vicki.

Review of what we have achieved today. a) TIC membership by LBR.
b) improved understanding of NDMB.
c) free access to some of NDMB website. d) TIC/NDMB link created.