Business Support

Combat Business Fatigue

Strategies to help combat business fatigue

Here are a few top line ideas to help combat business fatigue or burnout.

1. Understand if it’s really an issue with the business or with you. If you’re feeling over it, take a step back and think about whether it’s really because of something to do with the business, or if you are just having a bad day, week, or month. Are you getting enough sleep, are you eating right, are you taking care of your body, do you need some time off, have you had personal things going on that are hard? How you are feeling about the business may be related to personal underlying issues, and not the actual business itself. 

2. Take some time and space for yourself. Taking a break can mean staying away from the phone, counter, kitchen, emails or bookkeeping for a couple of hours, or it could mean going on a short break or long holiday. Do what you need to clear your head and refocus. Go for a walk, take time for a hobby you love, or go hang out with family. Maybe you need a few hours or a half-day, maybe you take off a few days or maybe you just take a regular break. 

3. Spend time with the right people. When you surround yourself with negative people, there is a proneness to turn out to be more negative also. Instead, spend time with those who are positive, those that help make you feel better about life.

“Emotional Osmosis – a phenomenon where one absorbs the emotions of those around us which in turn affect our own feelings and behaviours.”

4. Delegate. As business owners, there’s a tendency to prefer doing everything on your own and that can lead to ruts that can be hard to get out of. In the beginning, you may have to do that, but as your business grows you have to grow with it and you have to have people around you to whom you can delegate or offload things. Consider offloading things you don’t enjoy or you’re not good at, it can have a hugely positive effect on your well-being and overall customer experience. 

5. Self-praise. Have you patted yourself on the back lately? It’s vital to take a moment to celebrate your successes and acknowledge your achievements, no matter how minor they are.
  It may seem to be a little self-centred or conceited to praise ourselves – it’s a whole lot easier to be “down on ourselves”.  Self-praise builds self-confidence and helps reinforce positive thinking and behaviour.

6. Learn to say no. It’s important to decide what you can and can’t do.  This may mean turning away potential customers or turning down more work or projects. This can be extremely daunting but ultimately it’s good for you, and your business. However, if you are struggling to say no, suggest that you need to delay the work, close for a short time, and block out calendars in advance.  Consider creating boundaries, for example, no calls on certain days, stopping working at a certain time each day, closing earlier or opening later etc.

7. Take a step back. You make be already familiar with the saying that goes “sometimes you can’t see the wood for the trees”. When you focus on small details and when you’re in the thick of it on a daily basis, it’s hard to see the bigger picture. Occasionally, or even regularly, you have to step back from your business, so you can get a different perspective. Being too close to the problem can sometimes make the problem seem bigger than it is and it’s hard to see the answer. Doing something non-business or non-work related helps you relax, and think about things differently. 

8. Branch out. Try new things, be innovative, and get out of your normal routine. Try something in your business that you haven’t done before. These things can really open up your mind, be refreshing, and can give you a new outlook on the business. It will help you stay engaged and it can be very invigorating. 

9. Seek Medical Advice or Complementary Therapy. As highlighted earlier in this document, consider making an appointment with your doctor. There could be underlying psychological, physical or lifestyle causes that are responsibly or contributing to the way you may be feeling. However, if, after seeking medical advice, there are no underlying medical conditions causing your business fatigue or burnout – consider alternative therapies.  These can be great mechanisms for general relaxation, releasing muscle tension or emotional anxiety, and helping clear and calm the mind.

10. Seek Guidance from a Business Coach or Financial Advisor. It is a coach or advisor’s primary goal to help you gain perspective, hone your skills and guide your company to success. They will help you focus on your strengths, and identify weaknesses or financial loss.  Along the way, they may deliver a few truths that you may not want to hear about your business or its finances. 

11. Maybe it’s simply time to STOP. It’s not a crime or a failure to consider that it might be time to end the business and do something else. If it’s not going well or if it is something you’re just not enjoying, there’s nothing wrong with closing that chapter in your life. Knowing when to stop something is just as important as knowing when to start. However, this doesn’t mean you should just give up easily. But if you’ve tried your best, you’ve done what you can, and it’s still not working out, maybe it’s time to stop and move on to something else.

If you feel that the problem you’re facing cannot be dealt with on this list then consider speaking with a Financial or Business Advisor.  Also, don’t rule out speaking with a Doctor or even a Psychiatrist.

Life is too short to be uphappy.