Don't Despair
Beyond dark clouds, there’s still the sun.
Your feelings rage, your mind – it whirls;
Though stones and rocks, life at you hurls.
It don’t seem fair; but don’t despair.
Don’t despair, though all seems lost.
Someone already paid the cost
So you can dare to laugh and grin:
He’s on your side; you’re bound to win.
It don’t seem fair; but don’t despair.
Don’t despair; no need to frown:
Alone, He bore His tortured brow –
The awesome darkness, so intense:
It doesn’t seem to make much sense.
It don’t seem fair; but don’t despair.
Don’t despair, the Son has risen
From the darkest hellish prison.
Don’t be fooled by how things seem;
Laugh at vapours frail as steam.
It don’t seem fair; but don’t despair.
© Roddy Haswell
Roddy's Poems
Tap Dancing Spider
Read about Harry the Spider as he learns to tap dance …
Roddy Haswell